Dryer Sheets Remain Safe, Effective as Always
Fragrance, Perfume Ingredient Safety Thoroughly Reviewed
WASHINGTON, D.C., August 19, 2011 – Consumers can continue to use fabric softener dryer sheets safely and effectively as always, according to a coalition of industry groups.
The American Cleaning Institute, Consumer Specialty Products Association, International Fragrance Association-North America, and the Research Institute for Fragrance Materials, Inc. reaffirmed the safety behind the products and their fragrance and perfume ingredients after media reports of calls for consumers to dispose of unused products.
The Science Behind the Safety
Fragrance science and safety is a primary focus for responsible fragrance manufacturers worldwide. Consumers can depend upon the credibility of scientifically valid data, proven safety perspectives based on years of experience, best research practices that reflect the integrity of the industry, as well as definitive research conducted for decades by independent scientists.
Responsible companies that make and use fragrance ingredients continuously pursue their focus on safety, while the fragrance ingredients they responsibly produce continue to enhance everyday experiences in our lives.
Fragrances used in dryer sheets are designed in accordance and compliance with Standards from the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) and the Research Institute of Fragrance Materials (RIFM). RIFM is an international scientific organization established by the fragrance industry to evaluate the safety of fragrance ingredients and report its findings to IFRA. All of RIFM’s research is reviewed by an independent Expert Panel, an international group of dermatologists, pathologists, toxicologists, and reproductive, environmental and respiratory scientists.
The Expert Panel advises RIFM on its strategic approach, reviews protocols and evaluates all scientific findings. Its conclusions on restrictions of fragrance material use are published as IFRA Standards. This independent organization defines mandatory safety and use criteria for fragrance manufacturers throughout the world.
Activist groups and some in the media have questioned the safety of fragrance and perfume ingredients used in fabric softener dryer sheets. The research and science behind product and ingredient safety may be misrepresented, which could result in consumer concern and confusion.
The fact is that in the majority of consumer packaged goods products, fragrance represents less than 1% of the total finished product formulation. However, that small percentage is vitally important to the product’s identity, functionality and consumer appeal.