Pausing for Prevention and Spotlighting Safety

Through innovation and a desire to provide solutions to the challenges faced by consumers today, our industry is always introducing new and useful products into the marketplace. From products that are formulated with sustainable ingredients that are safer for people and the environment, to cost-efficient product delivery options that reduce waste and manage usage more effectively, consumers are getting more out of their household product purchases these days.

As consumers are increasing their usage of household products in their homes, it is important to make safety a priority. This March 17-23 marks the nation’s 51st observance of National Poison Prevention Week and the 21st annual National Inhalants & Poisons Awareness Week . These two observances are great opportunities for our industry to remind consumers about the safe usage of the household products they depend upon to protect and enhance their home environments. Awareness is the key to prevention.

In observance of National Poison Prevention Week, we offer consumers the following safety and prevention tips.

  • Always read and follow the label instructions prior to product use.
  • Products should only be used as intended by the manufacturer.
  • Store and dispose of products as instructed according to the package directions.
  • Lock up and/or store household products out of the reach of children.
  • Educate young children about the potential dangers of accidental exposures to products.
  • Be sure to have emergency information handy in the event that an accident occurs.

While both Prevention Weeks place an annual focus on the importance of using products safely, CSPA and its member companies, through our foundation, the Alliance for Consumer Education, are committed to the effort of promoting product safety and educating consumers about the proper usage of household products year round.

In addition to our participation as members of the Poison Prevention Week Council, we are also actively engaged in raising public awareness about the safe use of products through ACE’s grassroots approach of getting the word out parent by parent, school by school, and community by community.  This year, ACE has partnered with the American Association of Poison Control Centers, the YMCA and Superheroes for Kids for an exciting poison prevention event on March 22 in Arlington, Va. For more details, visit

There are other organizations that are also committed to promoting safe product use and preventing accidents in the home. As several of us collaborate to mark the annual observance of National Poison Prevention Week, let us continue to come together to help educate and build awareness so that unintentional childhood exposures can be avoided.

Lynne Harris, Vice President of Communication
Consumer Specialty Products Association

Colleen Creighton, Executive Director
Alliance for Consumer Education

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